The Unifier Animated Series

The story has elements of science fiction, action, drama, and mystery. The main themes are justice, freedom, tech, and identity.

Original Soundtrack The Unifier - Main Theme V2

Flash Card 1

Timeline leak... Opening the file "The Unifier" Flash card: Crimson City Crimson City, a city powered by an energy stone, its color is crimson, hence the name "Crimson City"

it is said that the scientist khaled is the one who created the energy stone and that he is the one who founded the city. The stone wields really strange energy, as the energy it contains is very huge compared to its size, the stone is in the size of a hand grip

While the stone is reportedly able to give energy to a vehicle for 10 years forward,it is not known if the way it generates power is through nuclear or fusion, it could be even totally something else, because the stone is very stable compared to a fusion or a nuclear reaction.

Crimson City tried to keep the stone for itself only, that's why they went with many wars with adjacent countries like "East Edrotia" and "West Edrotia", until finally they went in a treaty with both atleast for a while before the uprising in crimson happened.

One of the agreements of the treaty was that these countries weren't allowed to use any crimson stone, and if it is detected that there is a use of it outside of Crimson City the treaty will be broken.

You may think crimson city is the one who forced them to agree on the treaty, but actually it was a foreigner country that forced it on them.

Opening the file "The Unifier", Flash card 2: The War for the Crimson Stone (Part 1)

Crimson City aka Kormozia, as known before in order to try to keep the crimson stone power to itself only, They went into many wars with the Edrotian Countries.

The wars had significant changes on the country situation, to the point that Kormozia had a nickname "The Bloody City" which refers to both them having the Crimson Stone, and how most of their progress was because of their wars.

In only 25 Years, the city went from the industrial revolution to the Digital Revolution, progress of a century was made in only quarter of it.

Of course this wasn't a normal progress compared to other countries, mainly this was because of the energy The Crimson Stone has. The wars only encouraged the country to do heavy research on Khaled's Projects (The city founder), one of his main projects was The Crimson Stone.

The latest research concluded that the stone is capable of providing power for a vehicle for 10 years forward, but it is not known how to get all of that energy at once without destabilizing the stone.

Still big scientist of the city know well that this is probably a small of the potential of the Crimson City, because it was revealed in some of Khaled's text that:

"The crimson stones were designed to be everywhere, yet only few can truly harness its power" --Khaled

This was one of the big war influence on Kormozia.

Progress was the First Result of Kormozia Wars with Edrotia.

Opening the file "The Unifier", Flash card 3: The War for the Crimson Stone (Part 2).

Second result of the war is probably "Kormozia's Uprising Age".

It is not confirmed if these wars were one of the causes of The Later Uprising in Kormozia. Only one event says so, which was that the government of Kormozia took a lot of poor people to the war, while they were lying to their population that those who are taken only got a scholarship to improve their lives, and that this was the country's solution to poverty in it.

Sometimes the country would get some people back from the war and give them a lot of money, just to prove that they aren't lying.

Of course we all know that this was a lie, probably even the people of Kormozia at that time knew.